The Challenge of Staying Organic During This Pandemic


The Challenge of Staying Organic During This Pandemic


Right now, we are all faced with many uncertainties and we are all going through some hard times. We are all taking shelter in our homes, or working the frontlines, and trying to make the best out of this tragic situation.

Staying organic during this pandemic has been extremely challenging, to say the least. Many of my close friends and family have asked me how I have been able to stick to my organic lifestyle during all of this. I thought I would share my experience with all of you!

So, a few weeks ago, when the virus just started to spread and the situation got more serious in the United States, I went to Whole Foods Market to purchase food. This was just a few days before they put Florida on a quarantine. At that time, my sister and brother-in-law decided to leave their home in New York City to come stay with us in South Florida. The household I live in went from 3 and one puppy to 5 and two puppies. I needed to buy food for them and for all of us for the next few days, so my cart was filled up more than usual.

After seeing a picture I posted of my filled shopping cart from Whole Foods, one of my friends texted me and said, “of course you would make an organic event out of this.” Which yes, that is true. In everything I do, I make an organic event out of it.

Why you may ask? Because I have dedicated 10 years of my life to living an organic lifestyle and everything I do is organic. Even during times of survival, when it doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you have something, I still try to have organic food on hand. This is not in a hoarding kind of way. But, with proper planning and dedication, you can stay on your diet during these difficult times.

Now, with grocery stores shelves empty and non-existent grocery delivery service times, finding food, let alone organic food, to eat during this pandemic is difficult. Numerous conventional items are out of stock so many people who normally don’t purchase organic food are currently buying organic.

Luckily, I live in South Florida where we have Publix on almost every corner. Publix carries a large supply of organic products. Even if I can’t get to a Whole Foods, at least there are still other options. Not as much as Whole Foods of course, but they do have a good amount.

Since the quarantine, I haven’t left my house in three weeks. We have ordered grocery deliveries a few times, but not from Whole Foods. Trying to find a delivery time for Whole Foods with Amazon Prime Now is scarce and almost non-existent. On top of that, they found a few employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 at the Whole Foods location that we usually receive the deliveries from, so we have avoided ordering from there too.

With some of the other delivery services, we can still receive grocery deliveries on the same day. I have heard from friends and family who live in other states that delivery times are showing two weeks out. After hearing that, I feel lucky that we are still able to get deliveries on the same day. Unfortunately, many items are unavailable or occasionally the wrong item gets delivered. For example, I’ll order organic produce and sometimes conventional produce comes. Through the delivery service, I select everything organic if they have it. However, it is a gamble with what actually arrives at your door. It is a nightmare, but better than the alternative of actually going to the store during this time.

Once we receive all of the products, we wash and sanitize everything! You just don’t know who has touched those products. You can never be too sure.

This whole situation is a catch-22. It is either you go to the grocery store and surround yourself with a bunch of people who might be infected. Or, you have your groceries delivered and the person handling them may have come in contact with the virus. Honestly, I am totally unsure of what the best measure is, but I am also scared to leave my house. I am not afraid to admit that because I think most of us are at this point. Also, I don’t want my family members to go to the store either, since some of them are high-risk or have low immunity.

Not going to the store and picking out my own produce and products is abnormal for me. This all makes me sad because I absolutely love grocery shopping! You can usually find me at Whole Foods at least 3 times a week. I miss it so much! In fact, I am experiencing major Whole Foods withdrawals.

So, during this difficult time, I am trying my hardest to eat organic food when possible. Luckily, most of the products that I typically use have been in stock at other local grocery stores, even without going to Whole Foods. We unfortunately can’t find everything. Above all, this pandemic has given me the test of trying to come up with meals to make with what we have.

This is an immensely surreal time we are going through and staying organic is a huge challenge, even for me. Ever since the first day I started my blog, I have always shared openly and honestly with all of you. So, I want to be upfront and tell you that I have not eaten everything organic as much as I normally do. It isn’t too far off, but with food flying off the shelves and me avoiding shopping at Whole Foods, it is a struggle.

I am trying my hardest not to torment myself if I don’t eat something that isn’t organic. Since I am so committed to the organic lifestyle,  whenever I deviate, it makes me feel moderately guilty. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, especially during these times, but I feel slightly defeated. Although, I do know this circumstance is an anomaly and desperate times do call for desperate measures.

Without a doubt, the most challenging part of all of this is having to adjust to the reality that I can’t consistently find all of the usual organic foods that I normally eat. I have to let go of making myself feel wrong or guilty for not eating as much organic as I typically would. I am just so grateful to still have access to food for nourishment whether it is organic or not because that isn’t even the case for many others around the world.

All in all, I know that this will pass soon! But for now, I am just trying to stay busy and spend time with my family. Additionally, my biggest goal is to just stay as healthy as possible both physically and mentally.

I am praying for you all and sending you so much strength and organic love! Stay safe!

Sara, “S.O.Eats”


P.S. I would like to give a shoutout to my cousin for giving me the idea to write this blog! Thank you for your bravery working the frontlines during this difficult situation. ♥

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