Organic Thanks

Organic Thanks

Organic Thanks

      Another year, another Thanksgiving. But why is this Thanksgiving different than any of the other Thanksgivings? Well, most people are still quarantined in their homes, we are living through a global pandemic, people are still hoarding toilet paper, and our typical Thanksgiving feasts are being broadcasted and sponsored by Zoom. What a time to be alive!

This year has taught us all that life is extremely short and all of our plans, goals, and dreams can be taken away quicker than a blink of an eye. As a result, we must always do what we can, when we can. We must also appreciate the people in our lives while we can. If you have the chance to do something, to travel somewhere, to spend time with someone, to call someone, or to express gratitude towards someone, do it while you can. Don’t wait for another time because another time may never come. That is what Covid has shown us. 

We just never know what life has in store for us. It is important to have goals and a plan in place, but we must also be versatile and resilient when things don’t go according to our plans. Life is funny. But in the end, everything always does work out for the best.

With everything this year, like many of you, I put a lot of my goals and plans on hold. I took a lot of time for myself to reevaluate my life. After many months in quarantine, I decided to change some of my goals. I took this year as a total and complete redirection.

Also, with turning 30 just a few weeks ago, I wanted to take action on those new goals and have a fresh new start. I didn’t want to wait for things to happen or let fear dictate my life anymore. The old me would’ve procrastinated and convinced myself why I shouldn’t go after my dreams. Or, it would take me a long time to finally take action. But, Covid put so many things into perspective for me. I no longer will sit around and put what I want to do on the back burner anymore. Life is wayyyyy too short for that!

I know Covid has put a halt on many of the goals and plans we wished to obtain this year. But, this year isn’t a total waste like most of you are saying. There are many opportunities out there and goals we can still go after. We just have to get creative, adjust a little bit, and also stay safe while achieving them.

So with this very unusual and challenging year, there is still so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for my amazing family and friends. I am thankful for all of my readers, followers, and everyone that I have met on this journey. Also, I am so thankful for my organic lifestyle and for sharing my passion with all of you. This is a year to really hold your family, friends, and loved ones tight (within 6 ft distance of course). This is a year to keep in touch with others and make sure everyone knows they are loved, seen, cared for, and heard. Despite quarantine and all the tough times this year, I am so grateful for it all.

Covid has changed almost all of our lives and taught us what matters the most. Life is really about the little things. In the end, all that matters is how much you care, how much you love, how much you inspire, how grateful you are for everything, and the people that are in our lives. 

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone this year. It’s hard during the holidays because they remind us of those we have lost. But no matter what, they are forever in our hearts.

As this year is coming to an end, I am thankful for everything I have experienced! With organic thanks, I am also thankful for the new people that came into my life, the new goals that I am working towards, the opportunities that came my way, and this next chapter of turning 30. I am also thankful for the closed doors, as I realize now, it was just a redirection towards a path I am actually meant to go down.

I know it is so easy to feel defeated or mad for this year but when you are grateful through both the good and bad times, it makes a true difference in your life. Everything is a test and you will overcome it. If you choose to find the gratitude and thanks towards all situations, your outlook on life will change.

I wish you all so much love, happiness, health, and blessings! No matter which way you are celebrating, stay safe, and don’t forget to give organic thanks and show gratitude towards the ones who are in your life. Life is beautiful even through all of the hardships. Wishing you all a better last few weeks of 2020.

Happy Thanksgiving!

With organic thanks and love,

Sara, “S.O.Eats”





  1. Happy Thanksgiving Sara
    Jay @jaygamerman

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Jay!!

  2. Thank you SARA. A wonderful reminder of how frágil life is and how much we take for granted.
    I am grateful for so much, especially people like you who spread love around.
    I wish you success in the new path you plan to follow and in all your endeavors.

    1. Thank you so much Fela! I really appreciate it and I am grateful for you too! -Sara

  3. A Systematic Review of Organic Versus Conventional Food Consumption: Is There a Measurable Benefit on Human Health?

  4. Happy Thanksgiving 🎮🦃🥧🍰 my friend organic foods ☺️🍫 wish to meet you someday and if know of one near me too I’m Massachusetts foodies

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