Candy Corn Milkshake



What is the most traditional Halloween candy you could possibly think of? CANDY CORN! Candy corn is delicious and nostalgic. Traditional candy corn is made with artificial colors and flavors. Sweet’s Candy Company created a natural candy corn. It is made with non-GMO ingredients, no artificial colors, and it is gluten free. The original candy corn is layered with white, orange, and yellow colors. This brand contains a full color on each piece. The colors are made with fruit and vegetable extracts like pumpkin, carrot, and apple. They smell like marshmallows with a hint of orange and lemon. They are delicious! I wanted to make a candy corn milkshake because 1. I love milkshakes! And 2. Because I love candy corn! . This candy corn milkshake is so easy to make! You can make candy corn milkshakes for Halloween and serve them at your parties.


These are the brands and ingredients I used to make this delicious Candy Corn Milkshake recipe. You can buy Sweet’s Candy Corn at Whole Foods Market. Also, if you want to make a candy corn rim on your glass, you can melt an organic white chocolate bar to make the candy corn stick. I used Green&Black’s organic white chocolate. You can find Green&Black’s chocolate bars at Whole Foods Market and most natural markets.

Candy Corn Milkshake

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Serving Size: 2


  • 2 cups organic vanilla ice cream
  • 1/4 cup organic whole milk
  • 1/4 cup natural candy corn
  • Optional Toppings:
  • organic whipped cream
  • chopped candy corn
  • Optional Candy Corn Rim For Milkshake Cup:
  • 1 melted organic white chocolate bar (Green&Black's)
  • about 12 pieces of natural candy corn


  1. Put all ingredients into a blender. Blend for about 30 seconds to a minute until all the candy corn is broken down and all the ingredients are well blended. Pour into a cup and top with organic whipped cream and crushed candy corn.
  2. Optional Rim:
  3. If you are going to make the candy corn rim do this part first.
  4. Melt the white chocolate bar in either a double broiler on the stove or in the microwave.
  5. Once the chocolate is melted, brush onto the rim of the cup.
  6. Put the cup in the fridge for 30 seconds if your chocolate is melty.Make sure you don't leave it in the fridge for too long.
  7. Take the cup out of the fridge and place the candy corn on top of the white chocolate.
  8. Place back in fridge for 5 minutes.
  9. Then blend your milkshake and add in to the candy corn rimmed cup.
  10. Top with whipped cream and crushed candy corn.


I hope you all enjoy my Candy Corn Milkshake recipe! Have a wonderful Halloween! I hope you celebrate with lots of treats that don’t contain any tricks!

Happy Halloween!


Sara, “S.O.Eats”  


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