“Good Food Is Not A Luxury, It’s A Right”

“Good Food Is Not A Luxury, It’s A Right” 

“Good food is not a luxury, it’s a right.” This quote right here is everything I stand for. A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog post called “Make America Organic Again“, where I touched on the topic that organic food is a right. This week I went to the new Lucky’s Market that just opened up in Plantation, Florida ( a suburb of Fort Lauderdale). As I walked up to the cash register, I saw this huge quote hung up on the wall. It said “Good food is not a luxury, it’s a right.” I saw it and I immediately took a picture of it. The meaning of that quote is something that I strongly believe in.

Now, with the increasing demand for organic and Non-GMO foods, it is starting to get easier to buy organics at a lower cost. But even with the demand, of course the supply isn’t matching up to it yet. Organic food unfortunately still carries a bad reputation for being expensive and unaffordable for low-income families. Just writing that sentence makes me sick to my stomach. Literally every time I hear someone say, “I wish I could afford organic food” my body heats up and it makes my heart want to explode. Why can’t all of our food be grown without GMO’s, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, artificial colors, and other harsh components that we have absolutely no idea about? Why is it that only the “rich” people can afford to buy and eat food that should already be grown that way? It just doesn’t make sense and it is sickening.

We all have the right to eat food that is grown organically. Food is one of the basic human needs and we deserve food that is good for us. Sadly, there is only a small percentage of the population who are aware and mindful about what they eat. Also, several people lack the knowledge of how our food is grown. And quite frankly, most people are uneducated on how to eat organic. Still, many people disregard the fact that our food system is broken. Why? Because no one talks about it.

For me, starting out an organic diet was no simple task. During college, I sacrificed a lot and worked hard to have that type of diet at that age. I studied and dedicated a lot of my time to learning about an organic diet and what it took to have one. I would go to about 5 different grocery stores just so that I can get the best price possible. At that time, for me, eating organic was my lifestyle. From my peers and roommates point of view it was a luxury and I was seen as prestigious, unfortunately. But still, that never stopped me.

So this is me, Sara, taking a written stand for all of you! We ALL deserve to be nourished with foods that are meant to fuel us, not harm us. I am a huge proponent for organic food and I will always support this lifestyle. I want to help you all pursue a healthy organic lifestyle because you all deserve it! I am here to answer any questions or help you in regards to an organic lifestyle. And remember “Good food is not a luxury, it’s a right.”


Sara, “S.O.Eats”


*Disclaimer: Picture taken by me at Lucky’s Market. 

One comment

  1. You keep up the good work. Keep posting. Love to you .

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