I’m Bananas for Banana Wave

I’m Bananas for Banana Wave


I’m bananas for Banana Wave! Move over almond, coconut, and cashew milk, because BananaMilk is taking the dairy free alternative milk by storm. It is one of the newest dairy free alternative milks made entirely from bananas and other superfood ingredients.

Have you ever wanted to drink a creamy and delicious banana but without the cream and all the taste? Well now you don’t have to worry, because Banana Wave has arrived.

Banana Wave was created from grandma’s ancient African recipe that has been passed down through many generations. It is the first dairy free milk on the market made from bananas and other superfood ingredients. It is vegan, kosher, nut free, gluten free, and dairy free. It contains plant based protein, omega 3’s, vitamins, and minerals. It doesn’t contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservations. It is also Non-GMO.


When you open up a box, you get a heavenly scent of bananas. Let me tell you, the taste is just as heavenly as it smells! It tastes like a banana milkshake or melted banana ice cream. It is so unbelievable that there is no dairy in this milk. You can enjoy BananaMilk by the glass, in cereal, in smoothies, in alcoholic beverages, in coffee or tea, and in many recipes that require dairy milk. Banana Wave is by far the only dairy free milk that is delicious to drink on its own. If you are as bananas as I am, you too will enjoy this delicious BananaMilk!


You can find Banana Wave at Whole Foods Market, Tunie’s, Safeway, Walmart, and more. To find a location near you please click on the link, https://www.bananawave.com/where-to-buy/ . For more information, please check out their website, https://www.bananawave.com .

Follow Banana Wave on social media

Facebook (@drinkbananawave)

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Twitter (@drinkbananawave)


Here is a short video of me enjoying BananaMilk at Fort Lauderdale Beach.




                     Come take a ride on the Banana Wave! Trust me, you will be just as bananas as I am!





Sara, “S.O.Eats”




  1. Do you get paid to review these products?

    1. No, but if I did I would be transparent about it and disclose that in the post.

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