Organic Strawberry Milkshake

Organic Strawberry Milkshake 


This organic strawberry milkshake is bursting with strawberry flavor. This milkshake is perfect to make for Valentines Day! Just add two straws and share it with your Valentine. Even if you don’t make this recipe for Valentines Day, you can enjoy this delicious organic strawberry milkshake anytime.  Most conventional strawberry milkshakes are made with fake colors and some don’t even contain real strawberries. This recipe contains all organic ingredients. There are no artificial colors or flavors. I want to mention that I achieved the pink color of the milkshake by adding the liquid from boiling a red Beet. You can be assured that you are drinking a wholesome milkshake with real ingredients when you make this recipe. For those of you that love strawberry milkshakes, you will love this pure organic recipe. It is so easy to make!



These are the exact brands of ingredients I used.

Ice Cream = 365 Organic Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberries= Driscoll’s Organic

Milk= Horizon Organic Low Fat Strawberry Milk

Vanilla= Frontier CO-OP non alcoholic vanilla flavoring

crushed red candy (on top of whipped cream) = TruJoy Sweets cherry lollipops

heart shaped fruit snack (in the straw)= Annie’s Homegrown Valentines Day edition


I purchased all of these ingredients from my local Whole Foods Market.


Organic Strawberry Milkshake

Prep Time: 10 minutes


  • 3/4 to 1 Cup Horizon Organic Low Fat Strawberry Milk
  • 1 Cup organic strawberries, stems removed
  • 3 Cups organic Strawberry ice cream
  • 1/2 tsp organic vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp beet coloring from 1/2 boiled small beet
  • optional toppings
  • organic whipped cream
  • 1 crushed organic cherry lollipop


  1. First make the beet coloring (instructions in notes). Then, add all ingredients into a blender. Mix until well combined and you reach your desired thickness. Top with whipped cream and a crushed cherry lollipop from one lollipop.


Beet coloring

Take one small organic beet and cut it in half. Fill it in a small pot and cover it with water (about 1 cup). Boil the water for about 7 minutes until it becomes a bright red color. Remove Beet and use the water coloring in your recipes.

Feel free to add any toppings you may like. Also feel free to use your favorite brands to make this milkshake.

I hope you enjoy this delicious organic strawberry milkshake! I hope you have a lovely Valentines Day filled with lots of love and yummy organic eats.

Love your organic valentine,

Sara, “S.O.Eats” 

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