Partner With Me

If you would like to Partner with Sara’s Organic Eats, there are endless opportunities to do so. Listed below are just a few.


Brand Ambassador

I would be more than happy to partner with your product and brand relating to the natural/organic/gluten-free/non-gmo industry. I can also create recipes with the specific product to feature on Sara’s Organic Eats. I am able to do giveaways and feature your brand through all social media outlets including but not limiting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.

Trade Show and Event Promotion

I would be honored to attend various conference, convention, press, meetings, tour facilities, company headquarters and events for your company and brand. I can also work your booth to promote your products. After, I would share my experience through social media and blog posts.

YouTube Spots

I am able to create YouTube Videos that feature your products.

Product Reviews

I can review and post information about products that relate to the natural/organic/gluten-free/non-gmo industry. This can and will also include a YouTube video featuring the product if you choose.


For more information and other opportunities please contact me at