This Too Shall Pass


This Too Shall Pass


Last week, turned out way different than I originally planned. I was supposed to be in Anaheim, California for Natural Products Expo West, which is the largest natural and organic food convention. I look forward to attending that show every year! I had every intention of going, until many companies and buyers decided to cancel. As a result, I made the decision to do the same. Then, while I was cancelling my trip, New Hope Network made the announcement they were postponing the show. It was the right decision, considering the uncertainty of the Coronavirus. Ultimately, they decided to cancel Expo West 2020.

My theory on still going to the convention was based on the fact that the virus just started entering the United States and there were very few cases. The cases were not even in the Anaheim area yet. What I felt was that if something were to happen to me, at least on my last days, I would have spent them doing what I love to do, which is surrounding myself with organic products. I know that thought is a bit morbid. But in a way, it gives me a sense of comfort and calmness instead of freaking out.

The constant news thrown at us through social media, on our smartphones, on the TV, and just general talk amongst peers, certainly instills fear in us. That can make anyone feel on edge and it almost feels like the world is ending. It is all too familiar of a feeling for a Floridian like me, who has survived many hurricanes. The feeling and anticipation of a hurricane approaching Florida is an unexplainable feeling of doom and this Coronavirus feels pretty much the same. Although, when a hurricane is about to hit, there is no gas, no water, no wood, and barely any non-perishable food items. Obviously this isn’t a hurricane. Regardless, the way us Floridans are preparing for this is almost the same way they would for a hurricane. The only difference is that there is no toilet paper or hand sanitizer. The Coronavirus is a pandemic and the whole world is feeling its effects. No one is safe and even if you want to run, you can’t hide.

What you must do is try your hardest to remain calm, wash your hands, and be proactive. When events like this occur, we feel like we just want to hide and lock ourselves in our rooms. What makes me feel better about the situation and looking at it in a positive way is knowing that whatever happens to me, I know that I have lived a great life and I feel so blessed for everything I have been able to accomplish in my 29 years of life. Again, it is a morbid way of looking at this situation, but it is also a positive way of looking at it too. I know we will all be okay and whatever happens to us was always meant to be.

This is a good time to truly appreciate what you have, especially your family. When you count your blessings instead of thinking about all the things that are going wrong or things that you don’t have, it makes you feel less fearful and more thankful. Anytime you chose gratitude over resentment, you feel more at ease.

It’s unfortunate when bad circumstances occur, but there is always a lesson and reason that they happen. Just prepare in the best way you can to protect yourself and your loved ones. Don’t forget that in times of pandemonium to show kindness and humanity. In a crazy way, we are all in this together. And, the world may be in turmoil, but we must remember that life is still beautiful and this too shall past.

Stay safe!


Sara, “S.O.Eats”

One comment

  1. Dear Sara this is one of the best positive message I have read. You are truly an inspiration to all of us.
    May GD richly bless you

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