First Post of 2016

First Post of 2016

This is my first post of 2016 and I can’t wait to share more new posts, videos, and information on all things organic with you all. It also marks my first year anniversary of Sara’s Organic Eats and I could not be happier. Last year around this time I finally purchased the domain and quickly got to work. Although I did not officially announce my website to everyone until the beginning of September, I had been working on building this website since January 2015.


To reintroduce myself a bit, I am Sara and I have the biggest passion for all things organic. You can also read my first blog post “50 fun facts” to learn a few fun facts about me. You know when you talk to people about the things they are passionate about and their eyes glow, well that’s me every time I talk about organics. I am currently 25 years old and I changed to an organic lifestyle when I was 18. While changing my eating habits, something bigger sparked inside of me and I became fascinated with all things organic. I did not just change my lifestyle, I wanted to become the lifestyle. I wanted to know everything there was to know about this industry, the products, the people behind the products, and so much more. I spent my last two years in college not only studying hospitality, which was my major, but also spending most of time at Whole Foods Market studying organic products.  Although I graduated with a Hospitality Management degree, I wanted to have a career in the organic industry.

My specialty is changing conventional recipes into organic ones. I also have a tremendous knowledge on organic products. I still spend most of my spare time at the grocery stores, specifically Whole Foods Market, reading and studying the products. I never stop learning new things about the organic industry. Although I currently reside in South Florida, I travel often to different cities to find organic restaurants, grocery stores, and products which is an expertise of mine. One of my ambitions is to visit as many Whole Foods Markets as I can. I have no clue where that came from but I have had that desire since 2010.

My goal of Sara’s Organic Eats is to help others who want to change to an organic lifestyle and don’t know how. I want to share my knowledge, recipes, information, and personal stories with you all. I also want to bring a young vibe and show you all that you can eat everything you want just in organic form. There is almost every conventional item in an organic counterpart. Organics are coming to the mainstream, which is awesome, but I still feel like there is a need for a young millennial like myself to show you everything there is to know. Like I mentioned before, organics are no longer about Kale, Quinoa, and Tofu. There are so many amazing organic products in this world that I will recommend to all of you to try.

I want to thank you all for giving me this amazing first year and I can’t wait for many more years to come. I love having the opportunity to share my passion with you all. If you ever have any questions please feel free to contact me through my contact page or comment on my posts or social media accounts. I love helping others especially with questions about the organic industry or products.

If you would like to follow me on my social media accounts, please click on the links below.





Thank you so much again and I wish you all a Happy 2016! 



Sara, “S.O.Eats”


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