Organic Girl

Organic Girl 

Organic girl here! Your one and only source into the marvelous life of this organic elite.

Let’s just say I’ve been rewatching the Gossip Girl series on Netflix. I thought it would be fun to start and end this blog post the way that an episode of Gossip Girl does.

I am so sorry that It has been awhile since I have written a blog post. So here I am right now in all of my organic glory. I want to start off by saying again about how much I love this organic life. I truly am so blessed! Honestly, I don’t know where I would be right now. It saved me 9 years ago and it has changed my life FOREVER! I am so thankful that I get to live out my passion everyday. Even though I haven’t been blogging as much lately, I am still always living the organic life behind the scenes. You can always follow me on my Instagram which I update regularly.

I know I always write about how thankful I am for the organic life in my blog posts but it truly is because it has made me who I am at this moment. From a young age, I learned to always stay humble and to always be grateful for everything that comes my way. I like including that in my blog posts because I want all of you to get to know the real me and know my story. I am so proud being an organic girl and being a voice for the organic community that I want it to bleed through everything I post. Whether on my blogs or social media accounts I want to spread that message.

So, I recently bought this hat at an outdoor market at Wynwood in Miami. The hat says Organic AF. I have been taking it wherever I go and taking pictures with it. For those of you that don’t know, AF means As F*ck. Some of you may think how can someone wear something with profanity on it but I believe it gives being an organic girl a stronger message. The hat contains a deeper meaning to me because I truly am Organic AF. I don’t follow the organic lifestyle because I think it is cool or trendy. I follow the lifestyle because it changed my life, my outlook, my way of being, and honestly my everything. I don’t just eat organic but I am organic- ORGANIC AF.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer! Lookout for more blog posts coming soon!

You know you love me.


Organic Girl.

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