Arctic Zero

Arctic Zero

Fit Frozen Desserts 


Arctic Zero is one of the first brands to create ice cream with zero guilt. You can eat the entire pint and it still contains less calories, fat, and sugar than just 1/2 a cup of the leading brands of ice cream. Arctic Zero won’t effect your diet goals even if you eat the whole pint. We are all guilty of eating the entire pint of ice cream and all we are left with is major guilt and a stomach ache. Arctic Zero removes all of that guilt and unnecessary calories so that you can enjoy ice cream with zero shame.

Arctic Zero is…

  • Low Glycemic
  • Low Fat
  • Lactose Free
  • rBST Free
  • Gluten Free
  • GMO Free
  • Kosher
  • Vegetarian

Their main ingredients include…

  • Natural Flavors
  • Fiber
  • GMO Free Whey Protein Concentrate
  • Monk Fruit Concentrate
  • Organic Cane Sugar
  • Sea Salt
  • Plant-Based Stabilizers
  • Purified Water

Each pint of Arctic Zero contains about 10-12 grams of fiber and about 12 grams of protein. This is a great dessert and treat for those of you who are on a calorie restricted diet. It is also for those of you who workout and are trying to stick to your fitness goals. These ice creams won’t compromise any type of fitness or diet goals.

I found Arctic Zero at the Natural Products Expo West this year and I will be reviewing their new flavors.

  • Peanut Butter Swirl

Peanut Butter Swirl is only 300 calories for the entire pint. It is one of their chunky flavors. It contains mini white chocolate chips. It has peanut butter swirls throughout the pint as well. I love how when you first take a spoonful, it tastes like vanilla and then at the end you get a hit of peanut butter. Even if you only get a little piece of peanut butter on your spoon, the peanut butter flavor is amplified. That is what makes this flavor delicious.

  • Cake Batter

Who doesn’t love a good cake batter flavored anything? The cake batter is creamy and full of sweet flavor. It makes me think I am eating a frozen cake batter frosting. I don’t feel as guilty eating this cake batter ice cream as I do when I bake cakes and sometimes lick the bowl that is loaded with sugar. The whole pint is 150 calories!!! It doesn’t have to be your birthday to enjoy this guiltless flavorful cake batter frozen dessert.

  • Rocky Road Trip

Rocky Road Trip is another chunky flavor. It contains toasted almonds and marshmallows. It is 300 calories for the whole pint. The almonds inside have a delicious toasted flavor. Also, the marshmallows are gelatin free. I love this light version of a rocky road ice cream. The flavors blend really well together and they don’t over power each other.

  • Cherry Chocolate Chunk

Cherry Chocolate Chunk is loaded with cherry flavor and large chunks of dark chocolate. The cherry flavor is bursting throughout every bite. There are small and large cherry pieces in the pint. If you love cherries or cherry ice cream you will love this. At only 300 calories per pint, your cherry obsession will be fulfilled without any guilt involved.


In conclusion, my favorite flavor is the Cherry Chocolate Chunk. Even though they all have a great flavor, the cherry one wins for me. It is filled with cherry flavor and delicious chunks of dark chocolate.

For more information on Arctic Zero and where you can purchase a pint, check out their website,


Make sure to let your Arctic Zero pint thaw out for 10-15 minutes or microwave for 30 seconds before eating.

I hope you enjoy these new flavors from Arctic Zero!


Sara, “S.O.Eats”

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